Michele Lauriat



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Michele Lauriat makes large colorful drawings based on landscapes that seem iconic and timeless. Her process begins with observations, drawings, and photos made on site, and continues when she brings those elements into her studio. While in a landscape Michele looks for patterns of all scale – repeating blades of grass, branches that share a direction or bend, or a sense of geometric order in an area of erosion. In her search for repetition, Michele also looks for places where patterns fall apart or overwhelm themselves and become chaotic or distorted - or simply end.

Michele's studio is at 59 Wareham Street on the second floor (door is on the staircase, it has no number.)

Michele's materials include: gouache, acrylic, watercolor, graphite, colored pencil, charcoal, and the paper she puts it all on.

michele lauriat art2.png

Kris Laping


Terry Levin