
Marianne A. Kinzer

46 Waltham Street, Studio #208

The German-American artist Marianne Angersbach Kinzer was born in Munich, Germany. After finishing a Masters Degree in literature she studied art. Among the notable institutions she took classes are, the University of Art in Berlin, the Art Institute in Chicago and the Art Student League in New York. Her work was featured in numerous group- and solo exhibitions on three continents, Asia, Europe and North America. She now lives in Boston and Truro. She shows her work mainly in Boston, on Cape Cod and Rhode Island.

Marianne A. Kinzer’s paintings contemplate the creative power of water. A lifelong search for unity in diversity led her to understand that water is the unifying element which shows how things are connected. The myriad ways water shapes nature and civilizations became Marianne’s field of interest. Nature studies and readings helped her to develop a visual language that expresses the synthesizing power of water. 

The human body consists of roughly 70% water. We are part of the environment. It is in our self-interest to recognize this connection.


Ruth Ginsberg-Place


Michele Lauriat