Debby Krim Arts

450 Harrison Avenue, Studio 223a

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Debby was born in Rhode Island in 1957. She has been photographing and oil painting since the 1970’s. Her formal training began with two summers of exploration at RISD. In 1976, she headed to Boston to study at Boston University’s School of Fine Arts. Boston has remained her home ever since. She is an active member of the art community, and has her studio in the SoWa Art + Design District.

Debby develops her vision through a variety of media, including oil paint, photography, film, and metalsmithing.

Her photographs go beyond simple visual representation. Her realist paintings, mostly of toys, map out of story of humor and irony. Her jewelry illustrates her fun sense of play. She designs and handmakes each piece using traditional bench tools creating unique contemporary art works to be worn.


Harikleia Kuliopulos


Kris Laping