
Rani Sarin

551 Tremont Street - BCA Artist Studio #305



I grew up in India and have spent most of my adult life in Boston. I spent 4 years in Sweden and and one year in Barcelona.
I have a masters in textiles from India, and studied design in Sweden and paper making in Barcelona.
My exposure to Indian, European and American landscape and art and ideas have shaped my work.
My sensibilities are open to exploring new forms and making them my own.
I started out with textiles, moved to paper making and printmaking. I have been working with mixed media and collage .
I am intrigued by the push and pull of seemingly disparate forms and ideas and am frequently trying to expose the underlying harmony.
I am influenced by Indian philosophy, the works of Paul Klee, Rothko and Swedish glass.
My work often entails the tearing of my own prints, using my own handmade paper and textiles and creating new and dynamic forms.
My work reflects the rich color and form that I grew up with in India...so different to the spare Scandinavian approach.


Judy Riola


Sharon Schindler Photography