Oil painting allows me to focus intently on the endless possibilities presented by simple organic forms.
Monrüd W. Becker earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from Suffolk University and an Associates Degree from New England School of Art And Design. He has shown in the Boston area since 1991. One of Monrüd’s art pieces was selected to represent the New England School of Art and Design in the 1992 New England Book Components (NEBA) Calendar. This calendar presented work by a select group of NESAD students and was distributed to regional advertising agencies, graphic designers, illustrator, and related industries. Work by Monrüd is in more than 50 private collections.
Monrüd is a member of the SOWA Artists Guild.
Ongoing Private Classes
Amsterdam, Holland, Summer Program, 2005
Suffolk University BFA, 1993
New England School of Art and Design, 1993