
Heather Buechler Art

450 Harrison Avenue, Studio  #215








My art evolves with me and each collection is representative of my state of mind at the time that it was created. My inspirations are spontaneous and I tend to use my intuition and my instinct as guides for the direction of my art. My collections materialize into whirlpools of darkness, purity and divinity, arbitrariness, and supremacy - all intertwined with one another. Indeed, my art is a rollercoaster of my life, often depicting abstractly my spiritual beliefs in order to showcase my inner thought process in a form that can be accessible and appreciated by viewers. As such, at first glance my art appears to be merely abstract, but upon careful visual interaction with it one cannot help but feel the soothing peacefulness that emanates from the canvas. This feeling isn’t coincidental – it is intentionally crafted and it is the force behind my work. This visual interpretation of universal connectivity allows the viewer to lose themselves within the borders of the canvas. On a rudimentary level, my work is about beauty, truth, and connectivity.” Heather

My work from 1999 to 2011 consisted primarily of figure drawings with cattle markers (large all sticks used to mark livestock). I enjoyed working in this medium because I could work aggressively with large expressive mark making. In 2011 I did a residency at the Contemporary Artist Center in New York where I switched to abstract drawings. Upon returning to my studio I began working on a collection of abstract paintings focusing specifically on the intersection of spirituality and the state of one’s mind and presence.

I begin every painting with a meditation. I studied Reiki energy healing and the Sutras of Zen Buddhism. These practices and spiritual beliefs are the essence of my artistic inspirations. I practice Reiki on myself, the canvas, and my painting tools. This allows me to connect to my intuition and creates a soothing space for me to paint. I make a request to the universe to make something that’s beautiful and meaningful for someone else. I believe each painting has a person that it’s meant for. Once I get in the flow the painting takes on a life of its own- balancing happy accidents with composition, color, and expression.

Email HeatherBuechlerArt@gmail.com for appointment


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